My name is Ryan Timothy Rexer, or Tim. I'm from Arizona and am 18 years
old. My birthdate is December 9, 1980. I'm a single parent, which means
I juggle full time parenting, college, work, and other family obligations.
My son is 9 months old. His birthdate is March 6. He has a double first
name Sander-Reeve Jeffrey Rexer. Having a child changed everything about
my life, but in some ways for the better. I have more purpose and know what
I have to do day to day.
I live with my foster family, which is my foster father Matthew, his 4 kids
(Tommy/16, Kyle/15, Sam/15, Damian/15), and 5 foster brothers (15/16/16/17/17
year old Ian, Jamie, Keir, Richie, and Alek). And of course my son too.
I'm always looking for new contacts, so if you're looking for someone to
correspond with you can contact me at [email protected].
Thanks! Also, comments/questions are welcome anytime, but I don't promise
to write back unless you specifically want to me... I get a lot of mail
that's just "I saw your page", ok, fine, so you did, so what?
So if it's something I should respond to I will.